His was the curse of knowing too much, and for that he was rewarded with torment.

Basic Info

☙ RACE: Miqo'te (Seeker of the Sun)
☙ GENDER: Cis Male
☙ AGE: 37
☙ NAMEDAY: 26th Sun, 6th Astral Moon (11/25)
☙ GUARDIAN: Thaliak
☙ SEXUALITY: Bisexual
☙ OCCUPATION: Telepath. Scholar. Musician.


M’rath was not a special child. He did not excel in hunting, did not seem particularly cunning when it came to battle strategy or fighting. He tended toward intellectual pursuits, though his propensity to abandon projects before they were done was high enough that his parents began to wonder if he had some sort of attention problem. in early adolescence, while other Tia were having contests of strength, Rath was largely uninterested in one day becoming Nunh. Instead, he began poring over tomes and experimenting with magic, and that was where things began to change for him.He found out that he held some latent talent for aetheromancy, and as he began to learn on his own, something else awakened in him: He was developing the ability to hear surface thoughts and manipulate the outside world with his mind. Without the ability to curb it, though, he became plagued by the constant stream of consciousness all around him and eventually left his clan with the intent of finding some sort of long-term solution. That was when a middle-aged elezen scholar found him, starving and penniless.The man decided to take M'rath in when he learned that he had the same abilities, and took him on as a protégé. However, where M'rath thought that the man would teach him how to quiet the constant unwanted mental noise, the scholar was instead intent upon forcing M'rath to hone his ability to delve deeper into the mind, compel others to do his bidding, and practice telekinesis. The teachings devolved into outright abuse, until M'rath killed his mentor in a battle of wills gone wrong. With no one to inherit the man's vast wealth, Rath decided to become the man's beneficiary, forged his will, and inherited his fortune.Over the years and into his adulthood, Rath began to outwardly participate in more productive pursuits--investing in startup businesses, helping those in need of short-term assistance, and funding expeditions to long-lost ruins in search of artifacts and knowledge. He began to write stories and compose music. But none of these things brought a relief to the itch that he'd had since his mentor died, and it wasn't until he chanced to mentally overhear a killer stalking an innocent person that he found it. The relief that came with taking a monster off the board. The high of mentally torturing someone who deserved it. Little by little, Rath morphed into a monster of his own, driven by the need to kill his own tormentor, over and over again.


In Your Thoughts

Though M'rath is a skilled psion and can absolutely read others' thoughts, his mind is unable to filter out the surface thoughts of those around him. This doesn't mean he goes digging, but it does mean that he unintentionally picks up on things. This is not an ability he can turn off.

A Mind for Music

M'rath composes music as a hobby. Though mostly for piano, his favored instrument, he can also play and has composed songs for guitar and harp.

Nose in a Book

He likes to read, and his favorite types of books are mysteries, crime, thrillers, and philosophical works.

Nose in His Book

He also writes (and publishes) psychological thrillers under the pen name Rath Laurent. His books are widely available in most cities.

A Fascination with Magic

M'rath has long thought that studying aetheromancy in its many forms might hold the key to truly understanding his own abilities. He has a particular attraction to Allagan studies.


Hey, there! I'm a 30-something RPer with years of experience writing and developing characters with others. Please be aware that I only seriously RP with people who are 18+ (preferably 21+). Roleplay topics can have mature themes that I will not play out with minors.As a side note, the ability to read minds is something that can be tricky to navigate in RP. When one encounters Rath, I will never attempt to have him read your character's thoughts without your express OOC permission. I will always ask before a conscious attempt, and only accept surface thoughts that are freely given. I am also okay with rolling the dice for for success or failure during any attempt.


SERVER:Crystal, Balmung
AVAILABILITY:Varies week to week. I work 8am-4:30pm M-F, and I raid Tues-Thurs from 6pm-9pm. You can almost always reach me on Discord.
CONTACT INFORMATION:In-game on M'rath Tia, or in Discord (@shieke).
POSTING TYPE:Multi-paragraph, Paragraph, Mirror

I Will RP

  • Pre-established Relationships

  • Dark / Mature Themes

  • D&D Style (/random) Adventures

  • Intrigue Plots

  • Character Injuries

  • Enemies / Frenemies / Nemesis

I Will Not RP

  • Character death (unless it has been planned beforehand)

  • Extensive gore / mutilation / violence (if you ask on this one, I'll let you know my limits)

  • Random solicitations for ERP

  • Anything that puts a Lalafell in adult situations


I (mostly) adhere to lore

For the most part I am a lore-abiding citizen, but there are occasionally situations in which I will bend lore to suit the story's needs. These are typically things that have little or no official lore already established, are vague in their definitions and could possibly be implemented in different ways, or simply things that are heavily theorized, as that is not official lore. If lore is revealed that contradicts a story or character concept that is already out there, I will try my best to fit it into current lore, but that may not always be possible.


I am very experienced with separating IC (in-character) and OOC (out-of-character). The way that a character of mine is feeling is not necessarily the way that I am feeling, and I will never intentionally color IC interactions with my OOC mood. I expect anyone that I RP with to make an effort to separate IC and OOC to avoid awkwardness or hurt feelings down the line as a result of character interactions.

Communicate, please

I try to make the RP experience as fun as possible, but there are some times where behind the curtain talk needs to happen. I don't require a lot of frequent updates, but I do expect to be informed if there are plot developments that would affect my character(s) or if there is an OOC reason you need to back off from the RP. I'm a very understanding person, so never be afraid to approach me OOC!

Metagaming and godmodding are bad, mkay

I don't like it, and it could end an RP partnership if it's done to me or my characters without permission. If you don't know what these are, here's a simple definition of both:

  • METAGAMING: Using OOC knowledge of a situation to dictate your character's IC actions when your character has no knowledge that would actually cause them to perform said actions. A good example would be a character giving someone directions to a locale that they do not even know exists because the player knows where it is.

  • GODMODDING: A player taking control of a character that is not theirs; specifically someone else's PC (player character). This includes a multitude of things. It could be a player's character inflicting a wound on another person's character without permission ("Billy hits Bob, and Bob loses his thumb"). As a general rule, it's not in good taste to control other peoples' characters unless they say it's okay and approve everything that's happening.

Let our partnership be equal

If we explore an RP partnership and decide to make a story together, I would prefer that we both have an equal say in what happens as it pertains to our story. Obviously, your character is your own, as are any elements outside our story, but any major developments that have a big effect on both of our characters within our plot should be just that--ours, not mine or yours. I expect that level of consideration on an OOC level, and I offer it to my partners in return.